Hotels & Conference rooms
Whether it’s a corporate executive or a high profile of an individual operating in a hotel, security and privacy are crucial. With free access to all parts of the hotel it is possible to intercept meetings and hotel rooms. You have very little control over who’s coming and going from the hotel and protecting your information. Our team will provide you with consulting services in the segment of security of your catering facility, meeting room and conference rooms.
Consultancy services include:
- Check Hotel Rooms and Meeting Room.
- Verify Wi-Fi Security.
- Demodulating all frequencies within the room.
- Overview of walls, ceilings and ventilation.
- View all items in the room.
- Check all phone lines.
- Provide wireless communication, microphones and phones.
- How do you evaluate information in your business?
- What should be protected?
- Do you need a special and permanently secured meeting room for sensitive calls and key people?
- Do you need to control access to the meeting room?
- Do you control adjacent rooms?
- Is there a window?
- What level of security do you have about your phone, laptop, and tablet?